
  • This is the payment page unique identifier, it is linked to a specific page on the payment page list in iCredit user interface. It is connected to the the clearing company provider.

  • To get this token follow the instructions - Payment Page ID


The payment page language is constant and determined by the settings and page designed form.

Items Array

  • The items array is the designated object for passing the charge amount, it can be sent with a general description only for this purpose.

  • In case of connecting the payment pages to Rivhit in order to produce an automatic Documents, it is possible to manage the items stock. Sending CatalogNumber and/or Id parameters can be used for locating an item in Rivhit business. For more info on the subject -

  • Id parameter, the item identifier in Rivhit, has to be defined in Rivhit system, otherwise the payment will be blocked.

  • CatalogNumber parameter can be any string without the need to be defined on Rivhit system, it will be printed on the invoice.


Set a "Thank you" page to pass the customer back to the website after successful payment and presenting the order info. For more info on the subject - Thank You Page Procces

Rivhit Values:


Determines if the invoice will be Exempt or not. in case of exempt the VAT section in the invoice will appear with 0.


Determines if the items amount to charge will contain the VAT, if it will be sent a False - price doesn't include VAT, iCredit system will add the VAT into the items total amount.

This is less recommended, as this setting means that the amount sent from the merchant's website/system and the final payment amount will be different, this should be taken into account.

‏‏ClosedDocumentType, ClosedDocumentNumber

Send the two values in order to close an existing document (invoice, order, shipping certificate etc.) with the new sale document.

For more info on document closing with API -

DocumentType, ReceiptType

Set the Document/Receipt type to produce after successful payment.

Multiple Payments:

MaxPayments, MinPayments

Set the minimum and maximum number of payments available for the customer to choose in the payment page.


Set a constant number of payments in the transaction.


Set from which number of payment the multiple payments will be in “Credit” type.

For more info on the subject - Multiple Payments Rules



By this values it is possible to activate and defined the IPN message sent after success and failure.

The IPN URL Supported ports are:

HTTP (80)
HTTPS (443)

It is Possible to send IPN by - GET/POST methods (POST is more common and recommended).

For more info on the subject - IPN - Webhook



All emails will be sent from our domain [email protected] by default. Alternatively the merchant can set a custom email domain to his choice.

EmailAddress, EmailBcc

  • The email will be sent with the charge info according to the sale type.
  • It is possible to send the email to multiple addresses by concatenate them with ; or , sign.
  • EmailBcc will be sent only if the value EmailAddress was sent successfully.
  • For more emailing rules - Mailing Options

3DS Secure:


3DS is a security check executed by the credit card companies that after filling the credit card details requires the customer to enter a secured code sent through his mobile phone.

For more information on the subject -

Method Examples

    "GroupPrivateToken": "689552db-54b5-4c74-9f1c-9dd6188a10b1",
    "RedirectURL": "",
    "IPNURL": "",
    "CustomerLastName": "Israeli",
    "CustomerFirstName": "Moshe",
    "Address": "Ben Yehuda 77",
    "City": "Tel Aviv",
    "EmailAddress": "[email protected]",
    "HideItemList": true,
    "Items": [
            "UnitPrice": 20,
            "Quantity": "1",
            "Description": "item test"

"DebugMessage": null, 
"PrivateSaleToken": "ab49af2f-cc46-4e52-a1c8-9e65e6f4672c",
"PublicSaleToken": "3647c16c-2c63-457e-b94e-1835a1bb0b14", 
"Status": 0,  
"URL": ""