IPN Values
IPN Array Values
This is a general list of values, it is dynamic and will change by the transaction type and the customer details sent to the payment.
Success IPN array
Value | Description | Example | Note |
SaleId | The sale identifier | 149beca3-81eb-4f93-9e4a-d3b3326a5486 | |
GroupPrivateToken | Payment page identifier | 80d75f51-1ca1-41a8-a698-8183d68499c6 | |
NumberOfItems | The number of items | 2 | |
ItemIdN | N item Rivhit ID | 11 | N = position of the item (1, 2, 3 etc.) The items will be sent according to the items array in the payment page. |
ItemCatalogNumberN | N item Rivhit SKU | Ab123 | "" |
ItemQuantityN | N item Rivhit quantity | 1 | "" |
ItemUnitPriceN | N item Rivhit price | 30 | "" |
ItemDescriptionN | N item Rivhit description | ืคืจืื ืืืืงื | "" |
Discount | Transaction discount | 1 | |
Address | Customer address | Ben Yehuda 111 | |
EmailAddress | Customer email | d@d.co.il | |
City | Customer city | Tel Aviv | |
Custom1 | Custom field | fc95-213-57-20-226.ngrok-free.app | |
Custom2 | Custom field | Comments& Comments& Comments | |
Custom3 | Custom field | String content | |
Custom4 | Custom field | String content | |
Custom5 | Custom field | String content | |
Custom6 | Custom field | String content | |
Custom7 | Custom field | String content | |
Custom8 | Custom field | String content | |
Custom9 | Custom field | String content | |
CustomerFirstName | Customer first name | Test | |
CustomerLastName | Customer last name | Rivhit | |
CustomerId | Rivhit customer ID | 402 | Customer ID serial number |
Order | Order | 111 | |
PhoneNumber | Customer phone number | 054-4444444 | |
PhoneNumber2 | Second customer phone number | 054-4444447 | |
FaxNumber | Customer fax number | 03-7333333 | |
DocumentURL | Document URL | https://api.rivhit.co.il/pdf/FileService.svc/.. | PDF link to download |
DocumentNum | Document number | 99065 | |
DocumentType | Document type | 2 | |
IdNumber | Customer Israeli ID | 123456790 | By Israeli Id format |
POB | POB | 11111 | |
Reference | Reference | 12345 | |
VatNumber | Vat number | 123456790 | By Israeli Vat format |
Zipcode | Zipcode | 11111 | |
SaleTime | Sale Time | 22.02.2024 13:26:11 | By format DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS |
RecurringSaleCount | The recurring sale counter | 0 | In recurring sales |
RecurringSaleChargeNumber | The recurring sale charge number | 0 | In recurring sales |
TransactionAmount | Amount | 30.00 | |
TransactionAuthNum | Transaction AuthNum | 9923389 | This is an approval number returned by Shva |
TransactionCardName | Card type name | ืืืจืืงื ืืงืกืคืจืก | |
TransactionCardNum | Card number | 375511XXXXX1519 | |
TransactionCardDueDateMMYY | Card due date | 0331 | By format MMYY |
TransactionCardProducer | Card producer | 4 | |
TransactionCardHolderId | Card holder Israeli ID | 123456790 | |
TransactionCreditTerms | The Multiple payments credit type | 8 | 1 = Single payment 6 = Credit payments 8 = Regular payments |
TransactionDefrayelCompany | Defrayal Company | 1 | |
TransactionFirstAmount | The multiple payments first amount | 15 | In multiple payments transactions |
TransactionForeignSign | Foreign indicator | 0 | |
TransactionNonFirstAmount | The other multiple payments amount | 15 | In multiple payments transactions |
TransactionNumOfPayment | Number of payments | 1 | In multiple payments transactions Number of payment by type: Immediate - On hold - |
TransactionSolekSapak | Transaction provider number (sapak) | 0071506 | This is the number received by the clearing company |
TransactionStatus | Transaction status | 0 | 0 = success Other = credit card error code |
TransactionTerminalName | Merchant terminal name | ืื.ืฉ .ืืื ืืืืืื | |
TransactionTerminalNum | Merchant terminal number | 2380883 | |
TransactionTransAmount | Transaction amount returned from Shva | 30 | |
TransactionDateTime | Transaction time | 22.02.2024 13:26:08 | |
TransactionType | Transaction type | 1 | 1 = charge transaction 11 = recurring sale transaction |
TransactionParamJ | Type of ParamJ | 0 | 0 = immediate transactions 5 = On Hold J5 pending |
CustomerTransactionId | The transaction ID | 1d94b13f-244b-49f8-98f0-3613af4df017 | |
TransactionCurrency | Currency | 1 | 1 = ILS 2 = Dollar 3 = Euro etc.. |
TransactionCurrencyDescription | Currency description | ืฉ"ื | |
TransactionTypeDescription | Transaction type description | ืขืกืงืช ืืืื | |
TransactionCreditTermsDescription | Payments type description | ืชืฉืืืืื | |
TransactionToken | Credit Card token Transaction | e886459d-cd2e-4204-9d72-6130a53dafc2 | |
TransactionCardLabel | The credit card label/brand | 4 | |
ErrorMessage | Shva error | ||
ErrorDescription | Shva error Description | ||
3DS | Does 3DS challenge activated | false |
Failed IPN array
value | description | example | note |
SaleId | The sale identifier | 149beca3-81eb-4f93-9e4a-d3b3326a5486 | |
GroupPrivateToken | Payment page identifier | 80d75f51-1ca1-41a8-a698-8183d68499c6 | |
NumberOfItems | The number of items | 2 | |
ItemIdN | N item Rivhit ID | 11 | N = position of the item (1, 2, 3 etc.) The items will be sent according to the items array in the payment page. |
ItemCatalogNumberN | N item Rivhit SKU | Ab123 | " " |
ItemQuantityN | N item Rivhit quantity | 1 | " " |
ItemUnitPriceN | N item Rivhit price | 30 | " " |
ItemDescriptionN | N item Rivhit description | ืคืจืื ืืืืงื | " " |
Discount | Transaction discount | 1 | |
EmailAddress | Customer email | d@d.co.il | |
CustomerFirstName | Customer first name | Test | |
CustomerLastName | Customer last name | Rivhit | |
PhoneNumber | Customer phone number | 054-4444444 | |
Zipcode | Zipcode | 11111 | |
SaleTime | Sale Time | 22.02.2024 13:26:11 | By format DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS |
TransactionAmount | Amount | 30.00 | |
TransactionCurrency | Currency | 1 | 1 = ILS 2 = Dollar 3 = Euro etc. |
ErrorMessage | The text error message | ืืขืกืงื ืื ืืืฉืจื | Returned from Shva |
ErrorDescription | The error message and code | ืืขืกืงื ืื ืืืฉืจื (4) | Returned from Shva |
Updated 2 months ago