IPN Values

IPN Array Values

This is a general list of values, it is dynamic and will change by the transaction type and the customer details sent to the payment.

Success IPN array

SaleIdThe sale identifier149beca3-81eb-4f93-9e4a-d3b3326a5486
GroupPrivateTokenPayment page identifier80d75f51-1ca1-41a8-a698-8183d68499c6
NumberOfItemsThe number of items2
ItemIdNN item Rivhit ID11N = position of the item (1, 2, 3 etc.) The items will be sent according to the items array in the payment page.
ItemCatalogNumberNN item Rivhit SKUAb123""
ItemQuantityNN item Rivhit quantity1""
ItemUnitPriceNN item Rivhit price30""
ItemDescriptionNN item Rivhit descriptionืคืจื™ื˜ ื‘ื“ื™ืงื”""
DiscountTransaction discount1
AddressCustomer addressBen Yehuda 111
EmailAddressCustomer emaild@d.co.il
CityCustomer cityTel Aviv
Custom1Custom fieldfc95-213-57-20-226.ngrok-free.app
Custom2Custom fieldComments& Comments& Comments
Custom3Custom fieldString content
Custom4Custom fieldString content
Custom5Custom fieldString content
Custom6Custom fieldString content
Custom7Custom fieldString content
Custom8Custom fieldString content
Custom9Custom fieldString content
CustomerFirstNameCustomer first nameTest
CustomerLastNameCustomer last nameRivhit
CustomerIdRivhit customer ID402Customer ID serial number
PhoneNumberCustomer phone number054-4444444
PhoneNumber2Second customer phone number054-4444447
FaxNumberCustomer fax number03-7333333
DocumentURLDocument URLhttps://api.rivhit.co.il/pdf/FileService.svc/..PDF link to download
DocumentNumDocument number99065
DocumentTypeDocument type2
IdNumberCustomer Israeli ID123456790By Israeli Id format
VatNumberVat number123456790By Israeli Vat format
SaleTimeSale Time22.02.2024 13:26:11By format DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS
RecurringSaleCountThe recurring sale counter0In recurring sales
RecurringSaleChargeNumberThe recurring sale charge number0In recurring sales
TransactionAuthNumTransaction AuthNum9923389This is an approval number returned by Shva
TransactionCardNameCard type nameืืžืจื™ืงืŸ ืืงืกืคืจืก
TransactionCardNumCard number375511XXXXX1519
TransactionCardDueDateMMYYCard due date0331By format MMYY
TransactionCardProducerCard producer4
TransactionCardHolderIdCard holder Israeli ID123456790
TransactionCreditTermsThe Multiple payments credit type81 = Single payment 6 = Credit payments 8 = Regular payments
TransactionDefrayelCompanyDefrayal Company1
TransactionFirstAmountThe multiple payments first amount15In multiple payments transactions
TransactionForeignSignForeign indicator0
TransactionNonFirstAmountThe other multiple payments amount15In multiple payments transactions
TransactionNumOfPaymentNumber of payments1In multiple payments transactions Number of payment by type: Immediate - On hold -
TransactionSolekSapakTransaction provider number (sapak)0071506This is the number received by the clearing company
TransactionStatusTransaction status00 = success Other = credit card error code
TransactionTerminalNameMerchant terminal nameื˜ืœ.ืฉ .ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื•
TransactionTerminalNumMerchant terminal number2380883
TransactionTransAmountTransaction amount returned from Shva30
TransactionDateTimeTransaction time22.02.2024 13:26:08
TransactionTypeTransaction type11 = charge transaction 11 = recurring sale transaction
TransactionParamJType of ParamJ00 = immediate transactions 5 = On Hold J5 pending
CustomerTransactionIdThe transaction ID1d94b13f-244b-49f8-98f0-3613af4df017
TransactionCurrencyCurrency11 = ILS 2 = Dollar 3 = Euro etc..
TransactionCurrencyDescriptionCurrency descriptionืฉ"ื—
TransactionTypeDescriptionTransaction type descriptionืขืกืงืช ื—ื•ื‘ื”
TransactionCreditTermsDescriptionPayments type descriptionืชืฉืœื•ืžื™ื
TransactionTokenCredit Card token Transactione886459d-cd2e-4204-9d72-6130a53dafc2
TransactionCardLabelThe credit card label/brand4
ErrorMessageShva error
ErrorDescriptionShva error Description
3DSDoes 3DS challenge activatedfalse

Failed IPN array

SaleIdThe sale identifier149beca3-81eb-4f93-9e4a-d3b3326a5486
GroupPrivateTokenPayment page identifier80d75f51-1ca1-41a8-a698-8183d68499c6
NumberOfItemsThe number of items2
ItemIdNN item Rivhit ID11N = position of the item (1, 2, 3 etc.) The items will be sent according to the items array in the payment page.
ItemCatalogNumberNN item Rivhit SKUAb123" "
ItemQuantityNN item Rivhit quantity1" "
ItemUnitPriceNN item Rivhit price30" "
ItemDescriptionNN item Rivhit descriptionืคืจื™ื˜ ื‘ื“ื™ืงื”" "
DiscountTransaction discount1
EmailAddressCustomer emaild@d.co.il
CustomerFirstNameCustomer first nameTest
CustomerLastNameCustomer last nameRivhit
PhoneNumberCustomer phone number054-4444444
SaleTimeSale Time22.02.2024 13:26:11By format DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS
TransactionCurrencyCurrency11 = ILS 2 = Dollar 3 = Euro etc.
ErrorMessageThe text error messageื”ืขืกืงื” ืœื ืื•ืฉืจื”Returned from Shva
ErrorDescriptionThe error message and codeื”ืขืกืงื” ืœื ืื•ืฉืจื” (4)Returned from Shva