Issues and Errors
400 Bad Request -
This means something in the IPNListener code on the server side uploaded an error when the IPN sent or for some other reason the server through 400 error.
What to do:
Make sure the security protocol in the IPN URL is matching to the website protocol - http/https.
Check the IPNListener code and see that the process is working correctly.
Add logs in IPNListener and on the server to see the possible cause of 400 error.
Assist with the iCredit IPNListener code example.
Start by saving the IPN message info to a text file before moving to the next step of using it.
403 Forbidden -
There is a blockage from the server side so the IPN message can’t reach it.
What to do:
Make sure the security protocol in the IPN URL is matching to the website protocol - http/https.
Check that there are external access permissions to the IPNListener URL on the server and also for all the files to get there.
Turn off security plugin, cache or firewall on the server and try again.
Add iCredit IPs to the server whitelist - -
contact the hosting company support.
404 Not Found -
The designated IPNListener URL that was sent to iCredit doesn’t exist.
- check the route of the designated URL and correct it.
500 internal server/503 Service Unavailable error -
A general error occurred from the server side while the IPN was sent, the URL destination of the IPNListener doesn’t exist anymore or the server has communication problems and is unreachable.
- Handled by the server hosting company or the developer.
Server is not open to POST –
Change the IPN mode to Get message and see if this solves the issue.
Server doesn’t support security protocol TLS 1.2 –
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Updated 2 months ago