Create Credit Card Token
Create Only Token (Without Charge)
GetUrl Method - Create through a payment page
Send in request parameter:
SaleType = 3
- The token created will return in the IPN message (if activated) and in the business email sent after sale.
When creating only token there will be added a new field for the credit card owner name, this field will be saved in the token created but won’t have any meaning other than that. It won’t be checked by the credit card company.
The button text will change to - “Add card”.
In iCredit management -
The creation of a new token will be shown in a new line of sales report (דו"ח מכירות) with a “pending” status, amount 0 and an empty credit card number column.

ChargeSimple Method - Direct Payment
Send in request parameter:
CreateToken = true
ParamJ = 2
The response method will return with all credit card details (encrypted number, due date, card type etc.) and with the new token created.
CreateToken Method (Similar to ChargeSimple)
Send all method request parameter.
The response will return with the credit card token created.
Create Token Within the Charge Process
Payment Page - GetUrl Method
When the iCredit user is with activated tokenization service the token will create automatically in the charge process of payment pages.
Direct Payment - ChargeSimple Method
To create token send the method request parameters:
CreateToken = true
Related Methods
CreateToken - Create credit card token (not through charge process)
GetTokenDetails - Get the token encrypted credit card info
GetAllCreditCardTokens - Returns a list of related tokens generated for a specific credit card and creditbox
GetCreditCardTokens - Returns a list of tokens generated for a specific credit card and creditbox
Updated about 2 months ago